Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Easter boxes to fit the small dinky eggs

Promised dimensions for these adorable boxes and have finally gotten control of the computer! Think I need to get something just for Mum that the kids cannot use; anyway I digress.

They are so simple to make and based one I saw Sam Donald make but adapted to fit 10 eggs - you could alter the length to fit the number of eggs you need, just remember to adjust the cardstock size and the scoring.


Cardstock – 10.5" x 3.5″
Score on the LONG side at 1/2, 1 1/4, 9 1/4, 10"   
Score on the SHORT side at 3/4, 1 1/2, 2 1/4. 3"

Then you just need to build the box - simple!

Stamp your design, score and then use a bone folder to burnish all your score lines
When burnishing you want to do a zig zag fold at the end as this makes it easier to close.

 Use the word window punch to punch the little window -you need to punch NOT near the small edge but in the second big gap where you have the widest edge and away from the downwards score lines.

Now it's time to glue it together - fold down the short edge, glue on this and then fold the other edge to meet and cover it.


 To finish the ends you need to do an hourglass shape - gently squeeze to get this and give it a little help if needed to go inwards.
And there it is!  All finished and just need to be filled with mini eggs (my fitted 10) and stapled to close each end.

 I do hope that this makes some sense, any problems with making your own boxes please do let me know and I'd love for you to share your creations on my Facebook page

Happy Crafting


1 comment:

  1. Ooh..love these Sarah... Now do I have any eggs hiding somewhere!!?
